Fleas and ticks are external parasites that can cause discomfort and other health issues to pets. Fleas are wingless insects and have a lifespan of about 100 days. Fleas spend their lifetime on a host’s body laying eggs and surviving there. Ticks are bigger than fleas and belong to the Arachnid or spider family. There are different species and sizes ticks with a lifespan of up to three years.
Ticks and fleas that are left unchecked can cause a variety of illnesses for you pet. Fleas can cause anemia, allergic reactions, and tapeworm infections. Ticks can spread Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and several other diseases. Prevention is the best way to keep your pets safe from fleas and ticks. Keep reading to learn various methods you can use for your pet to prevent, treat, and heal from fleas and ticks.
If you believe your pet is infested with fleas and ticks, there are multiple ways to treat them. We recommend you call Blue Lake Animal Hospital for advice on how to treat your pet and schedule an appointment with our team of veterinary professionals who will find the best way to treat your pet. It’s important to note that flea and tick preventatives for dogs, should not be used on cats and often are toxic to cats.
Here are the various methods to treat and prevent fleas:
Remember to inspect your dogs and cats regularly for fleas and ticks. Always check behind their ears, around their eyes, lips, collar, legs, and between their toes for ticks. You can find fleas commonly in the fur over the back and rump area of your pet. Consult with Blue Lake Animal Hospital to determine what flea and tick treatment is best for your pets.
At Blue Lake Animal Hospital, we are dedicated to helping your animal heal and stay healthy. We know how important your pet is to you and you can trust us to find the best treatment for your pet. Call us today to schedule an appointment at Blue Lake Animal Hospital.